about us
Company Profile

Founded in 1996, Oxus Gold Plc (Oxus) listed on London’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in 2001 and has a 50% stake in the Amantaytau Goldfields JV (AGF) which is located in the Kyzylkum region of Uzbekistan.


Total AGF ‘Proven and Probable’ reserves were 2,839,000 ozs of gold and 6,739,000 ozs of silver (of which half are attributable to Oxus), under JORC classification.


As described in the Company's report and accounts and regulatory announcements the Company remains in dispute with the Uzbek Government over the Amantaytau Goldfields and Khandiza mining assets. There are no other operating activities currently being undertaken by the company and its subsidiaries. The Directors are continuing arbitration proceedings seeking compensation for the Group.


Oxus Gold plc is incorporated in England and Wales

About us