exploration & operations
Regional Geological Setting
Regional Geological Setting (Figure 2)

The Amantaytau district forms the western part of the Tien Shan geosynclinal-orogenic system within which lies the metallogenic province known as the “Tien Shan Gold Belt” which extends from China in the east, through Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan into Uzbekistan.  Within Uzbekistan, the belt is subdivided into three gold bearing sub-provinces: Kyzylkum, Chatkal-Kuraman and Samarkand. The deposits of the Amantaytau district fall within the central part of the Kyzylkum sub-province.


The area has been further subdivided into several structural domains. The Zarafshan-Turkestan structural formation hosts the most significant occurrences of gold mineralisation and silver including the Amantaytau, Daugystau and Vysokovoltnoye deposits, and one of the world’s largest gold deposits at Muruntau.

Figure 2: Principal Gold Deposits along the Tien Shan Gold Belt